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Privacy policy

Energy Saving Trust’s fleet decarbonisation guide privacy policy

  • We are a leading and trusted organisation helping people save energy every day. Our experts speak with millions of householders every year, deliver first class programmes for governments, and provide consultancy to UK businesses and international companies. All our work is underpinned by our pioneering world-renowned research.  

    • We are independent and impartial, so the advice we give is all about helping you.  
    • Energy Saving Trust will treat any personal data you provide us carefully and securely.  

    To contact our data protection officer please:  

  • When the fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure guide collects information about you, we will tell you at least:  

    • who we are  
    • why we are collecting your information  
    • our legal basis for processing it, for example, the processing is required as part of a contract, such as if you apply for a loan from us  
    • what we will do with it  
    • if we will share it (and who we share it with)  

    Some of this may be provided to you through this privacy policy, which will be updated from time to time. We will always provide details of how to access our privacy policy.  

  • We may collect:  

    • contact information (eg name, postal address, email address) 
  • We will ask for your contact information so we can:  

    • respond to your request, enquiry, or complaint via email  
    • contact you about any services requested by you  
  • We will only collect information direct from you unless you have authorised a third party to liaise with us on your behalf. 

  • The fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure guide.  

    • We will only send you direct marketing information if you agreed to receive this information when you provided your contact details, or you have specifically asked us to send you direct marketing.  
    • We may occasionally present a promotion that is sponsored by a third-party company or organisation. To qualify for entry, we may ask you to provide personal information – if we intend to share that information with the sponsors, we will make this clear and provide you with the opportunity to prevent this.  
    • You have the right to stop us using information about you for direct marketing purposes. You can do this at any time even if you previously consented to receive direct marketing. If you wish to change your marketing settings, either select the link included in emails orcontact usdirectly to let us know. Please note any changes to your marketing preferences may take up to 28 days to take effect.  
  • Energy Saving Trust’s fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure guide has implemented the following Google Analytics advertising features:  

    • Remarketing –this enables the fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure guide to display advertising to visitors on our website as they move to other sites.  
    • Display Network Impression Reporting –The fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure guide can use this to understand the impact of adverts displayed on other sites. We will be able to see when someone views an advert elsewhere and then later visits the fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure website.  
    • Demographics and Interest Reporting– this allows us to obtain anonymous information about the users of our website. For example, we will be able to see how many visitors we had to our site in a particular age range. Find out more abouthow Google obtains this information.  
  • If you have agreed to receive direct marketing from us via email, we may use social media platforms to provide you with our targeted energy advice and information. This is done by matching the contact details you have given us with the contact details you have also given to social media providers. You can find more information on how targeted advertising works and how you can adjust your settings by visiting the relevant social media platforms listed below:

    Facebook Ad Preferences

    Twitter Ads Help Center

    LinkedIn Ads Settings

    Ads on Instagram

    Google Ads Help

  • We will retain your contact information for seven years from the last active contact with the fleet decarbonisation and charging infrastructure guide unless we have a reason to keep it for longer. This would usually be if you have received funding from us. 

  • Under data protection laws, you have rights with regards to your personal data we hold and use:  

    • The right to be informed  
    • The right of access  
    • The right to rectification  
    • The right to erasure  
    • The right to restrict processing  
    • The right to data portability  
    • The right to object  
    • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling  

    More information on your rights can be found in Energy Saving Trust’s fullprivacy policy.  

    If you would like to exercise your rights, or if you have any questions or concerns about how we use your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer  

    If you feel that we have not responded appropriately to any requests in relation to your rights, you have the right to complain to theInformation Commissioner’s Office.  

  • Please see ourcookies policy.

  • We regularly review our privacy policy to keep it up to date. Any changes that we make will be posted on our website.

    This privacy policy was last updated on 2 February 2024.