This section outlines a typical process of installing charge points at your workplace or depot.
Site load
- Assess existing sufficiency of workplace or depot capacity.
- Engage with DNO as necessary to facilitate connection upgrades.
- Understand ownership conditions.
- Understand if there are any existing legal conditions on electricity use at site.
- Agree budget and source financing for the project.
Location planning
- Understand where charge points will be installed and assess the logistics of installing cables between consumer units and charge points.
Onsite work
- Assess the impact of civil work including the requirement for excavation, ducting, and trenching.
Future proofing
- Assess the long-term plan for infrastructure at the site: will further chargers likely be required, or charger upgrades as current technology becomes outdated?
Source: (SP Energy Networks, 2018; SSEN, 2019; Western Power Distribution, 2021)